Notify Online

If you didn't notify the Assistance Company about the occurrence of insured event and turned for help by yourself, please inform us.

Notify on insured event online

If you didn't contact the Assistance Company when insured event happened and turned for the medical help and paid expenses for medical treatment, medicines, transport and other expenses by yourself, please notify us of it. In your message specify in any form what happened with you, what measures you took and the sum of expenses you incurred.

You can also use this contact form to notify us on any other events that do not require emergency medical help:

  • lost of baggage,
  • trip cancellation,
  • damage to third persons
from *
till *

Please note that in any case, you should inform us of the insured event not later than 30 calendar days from the date of its occurrence, namely:

  • In case of damage to life, health or property of a third person – not later than 3 calendar days since the date of the insured event,
  • In case of cancellation or interruption of the trip, delay in a trip – not later than 24 hours since the date of the insured accident, excluding weekends and holidays,
  • In case of lost, damage or delay of baggage – not later than 24 hours since the date of the insured event, excluding weekends and holidays.
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Site development:  Webberry