Disclosure of Information about the Financial Institution

What is ETI?

ETI is a travel insurance experts. Combining our passion and knowledge of our business we are a specialist insurer that cares.

A strong parent company and an international network of subsidiaries, shareholdings and branches have enabled ETI to form an effective network delivering travel insurance products and services. The ETI network accompanies its customers and partners across the world before, during and after their trips.

Since 2006, when ETI (abbr. from European Travel Insurance) was founded in Ukraine, it has been providing the widest on the local market range of products and services for travelers and travel business.

ETI in Ukraine is the only specialized travel insurance company.

We offer a wide range of services and the best insurance solutions for

We are always there for our customers, no matter what happens. Our customers can contact us via our Emergency Call Centers 365 days a year, 24/7.

Doctors, trained assistance coordinators and a network of hospitals, companies who can perform return transports and correspondents ensure medical assistance worldwide in the event of sickness and accidents and organise the aid measures.

ETI is always with you around the world!


ETI is a strong company of travel insurance. Its parent company EUROINS INSURANCE is located in Bulgaria. Subsidiaries and branches of EUROINS INSURANCE are located in Romania, Greece, North Macedonia, Ukraine, Georgia, Spain, Italy and Poland. All EUROINS INSURANCE companies hold leading positions in the local insurance markets, including travel insurance.

Our strategically placed offices can offer localised solutions as well combining our efforts to support clients on an international level.


1592 Sofia, Christopher Columbus blvd. 43
(see the map)
Phone: + 359 2 9651 525  
Fax: + 359 2 9651 526, + 359 2 4144526
[email protected]
National telephone number: + 359  700 17 24

EUROINS Romania Insurance
Str. Jiului no. 8, J8 Office Park, Building A, floor 2, sector 1,
Phone: 021 317 07 11 or 021 317 07 12
Fax: 021 317 07 14
Call Center: 031 9483 or 031 9002

North Macedonia
A. Bul. 8-mi Septemvri no. 19A, 1000 Skopje
Т. +389 2 3228 904
F. +389 2 3117 194
[email protected]

14 Amfitheas avenue & Agion anargiron, Paleo Faliro - Attica, P.C. 175 64
Phone: (+30) 210 9764307
G.E.MI.: 144613903001
Fax: (+30) 210 9701222
Email: [email protected]

JSC “Insurance Company Euroins Georgia”
24 Ilo Mosashvili str, Tbilisi, Georgia, 0162
Phone Number: +995 (32) 220 33 33

EINS Polska Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Puławska 543
02-844 Warsaw
Tel. + 48 22 243 84 86


1905 - a passenger train was ready to depart from the railroad station in Lucerne. Timber merchant Max von Engel and his 15-year-old son were standing on the platform amid the heap of luggage. Suddenly, the engine sparks hit the upper bag on top of the heap. Von Engel understood that his luggage could be destroyed by fire including his personal documents, business papers, decorations, souvenirs and clothes. But who will refund the losses? He was informed at the station about a little compensation that is provided by railroad administration.

The merchant who travelled much had the idea: «It would be good if the travelers could adequately protect their luggage!» Max von Engel knew that the risk he had experienced on the platform was not the only threat to travelers. His idea was supported by the Munich Reinsurance Company

1907 – the business was done: von Engel presented to Karl von Timme (the founder of Munich Re) his concept of luggage insurance. Together they founded in the Budapest Europäische Güter und Reisegepäckversicherung AG (European Joint-Stock Luggage Insurance Company).

Since then and for more than 100 years Europaeische has been providing travel insurance worldwide.

2006 – representative office of Europäische Reiseversicherung AG (Аustria) was founded in Ukraine.

19th of October, 2006 – JSC European Travel Insurance was founded in Ukraine by Europäische Reiseversicherung AG (Аustria) - 69,9% of shares,  Europäische Reiseversicherung AG (Germany) - 25,1% of shares, JSC UIC Generali Garant - 5% of shares.

2010 – ERV Germany increased its share in the company up to 95% of shares.

2011 – European Travel Insurance started rebranding process and changed into ERV brand.

2012 – ЕRV Germany increased its share in the company up to 99,99% of shares.

2018 – Euroins Insurance Group acquired 99.99% of shares of ERV Ukraine.

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