Insurance products that can be purchased on the

‘Travel insurance for those travelling outside Ukraine, contracts for which are concluded on the website of an insurance intermediary LLC (B2C sales)

‘Summary table of risks for travel insurance outside Ukraine with Business and Standard packages, which can be purchased on the website’

life, health, ability to work and / or liability for damage caused to a person or his property
Insurance of expenses related to rendering assistance (assistance) to persons who have got into a difficult situation while travelling abroad in Ukraine includes:

1. payment (compensation) for emergency (urgent) aid at the place of call, performance of primary diagnostic measures, provision of medical aid using medicines to the extent necessary for the condition of the Policyholder (Insured person).

2. payment (compensation) of the cost of medical care and treatment services in outpatient and polyclinic conditions; examination to the extent necessary to establish a diagnosis; medical consultations.

3. payment of the cost of services related to in-patient treatment, i.e.: medical consultations, diagnostics, treatment, emergency surgical intervention, medication, stay in standard wards, food according to the norms accepted in the medical institution. The Insurer shall pay the cost of treatment abroad within the limits of its liability (sum insured) established by these insurance terms and conditions only until the state of health of the Policyholder (Insured person), according to the doctor's decision, allows evacuating him/her to the country of permanent residence.

4. payment (compensation) of the cost of express testing and laboratory tests on COVID-19 prescribed by a doctor in case of signs of illness, which is confirmed by a relevant medical report, as well as outpatient and inpatient treatment of the Policyholder (Insured) on COVID-19.

5. payment (compensation) of the cost of medicines prescribed by a doctor for emergency treatment according to a prescription, or compensation of expenses in case of independent purchase of medicines prescribed by a doctor according to a prescription from a pharmacy.

6. payment (compensation) of the cost of emergency dental care, namely: dental examination; X-ray examination; extraction or filling of teeth with temporary fillings, which all together or separately are caused by acute inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth and/or adjacent tissues, or jaw trauma resulting from an accident, except for caries treatment.

7. payment (reimbursement) of the cost of transporting the Policyholder (Insured person) by land transport to a medical institution, if the health condition of the Policyholder (Insured person) does not allow to move independently, in particular, but not exclusively in case of injuries, high temperature.

8. payment (compensation) of expenses for continuation of treatment of the Policyholder (Insured) in a hospital for up to 15 days after the expiry of the insurance contract, if it is medically necessary. At the same time, the costs of medical evacuation shall not be covered.

9. organisation (if possible) and payment (compensation) of the cost of the complex of services related to transportation and medical accompaniment of the Policyholder (Insured person) undergoing inpatient treatment from abroad to the medical institution nearest to the place of permanent residence, provided that there are medical indications of the need for further inpatient treatment. The Insurer shall not indemnify the expenses for continuation of treatment and rehabilitation of the Policyholder (Insured) after his/her return to the country of permanent residence. If a doctor authorised by the Insurer considers that evacuation of the Policyholder (Insured) is possible and the Policyholder (Insured) refuses it, the Insurer shall immediately stop paying the cost of treatment services for the Policyholder (Insured).

10. organisation (if possible) and payment of the cost of the complex of services for transportation of the body (repatriation) of the Policyholder (Insured) to the customs border of the country of his/her previous permanent residence, except for transportation of the urn with the ashes of the deceased Policyholder (Insured) after cremation. If local regulations require the body to be transported in a coffin, the Insurer shall organise and pay for the purchase of such a coffin. A prerequisite for organising repatriation is that the relatives of the deceased Policyholder (Insured) submit a written application-confirmation of readiness to collect the body after crossing the state border.

11. payment (compensation) of the cost of burial services for the Policyholder's (Insured person's) body in the country of the place of death.

12. compensation of the cost of telephone communication services of the Policyholder (Insured) or a person representing his (her) interests with the Insurer regarding the notification of the insured event.

By default, the option ‘Active tourism (recreation)’ is not included in the package, but may be selected by the Insured additionally when concluding the insurance contract, as indicated in the individual part of the insurance contract in the section ‘Additional conditions’
Accident insurance while travelling abroad in Ukraine includes:

- permanent loss of the policyholder's (insured person's) general labour capacity (establishment of primary disability І) as a result of an accident or

- death of the policyholder (insured person) as a result of an accident.
Insurance of expenses related to rendering assistance (assistance) to persons who have got into a difficult situation while travelling abroad in Ukraine includes:

1. payment (compensation) for emergency (urgent) aid at the place of call, performance of primary diagnostic measures, provision of medical aid using medicines to the extent necessary for the condition of the Policyholder (Insured person).

2. payment (compensation) of the cost of medical care and treatment services in outpatient and polyclinic conditions; examination to the extent necessary to establish a diagnosis; medical consultations.

3. payment of the cost of services related to in-patient treatment, i.e.: medical consultations, diagnostics, treatment, emergency surgical intervention, medication, stay in standard wards, food according to the norms accepted in the medical institution. The Insurer shall pay the cost of treatment abroad within the limits of its liability (sum insured) established by these insurance terms and conditions only until the state of health of the Policyholder (Insured person), according to the doctor's decision, allows evacuating him/her to the country of permanent residence.

4. payment (compensation) of the cost of express testing and laboratory tests on COVID-19 prescribed by a doctor in case of signs of illness, which is confirmed by a relevant medical report, as well as outpatient and inpatient treatment of the Policyholder (Insured) on COVID-19.

5. payment (compensation) of the cost of medicines prescribed by a doctor for emergency treatment according to a prescription, or compensation of expenses in case of independent purchase of medicines prescribed by a doctor according to a prescription from a pharmacy.

6. payment (compensation) of the cost of emergency dental care, namely: dental examination; X-ray examination; extraction or filling of teeth with temporary fillings, which all together or separately are caused by acute inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth and/or adjacent tissues, or jaw trauma resulting from an accident, except for caries treatment.

7. payment (reimbursement) of the cost of transporting the Policyholder (Insured person) by land transport to a medical institution, if the health condition of the Policyholder (Insured person) does not allow to move independently, in particular, but not exclusively in case of injuries, high temperature.

8. payment (compensation) of expenses for continuation of treatment of the Policyholder (Insured) in a hospital for up to 15 days after the expiry of the insurance contract, if it is medically necessary. At the same time, the costs of medical evacuation shall not be covered.

9. organisation (if possible) and payment (compensation) of the cost of the complex of services related to transportation and medical accompaniment of the Policyholder (Insured person) undergoing inpatient treatment from abroad to the medical institution nearest to the place of permanent residence, provided that there are medical indications of the need for further inpatient treatment. The Insurer shall not indemnify the expenses for continuation of treatment and rehabilitation of the Policyholder (Insured) after his/her return to the country of permanent residence. If a doctor authorised by the Insurer considers that evacuation of the Policyholder (Insured) is possible and the Policyholder (Insured) refuses it, the Insurer shall immediately stop paying the cost of treatment services for the Policyholder (Insured).

10. organisation (if possible) and payment of the cost of the complex of services for transportation of the body (repatriation) of the Policyholder (Insured) to the customs border of the country of his/her previous permanent residence, except for transportation of the urn with the ashes of the deceased Policyholder (Insured) after cremation. If local regulations require the body to be transported in a coffin, the Insurer shall organise and pay for the purchase of such a coffin. A prerequisite for organising repatriation is that the relatives of the deceased Policyholder (Insured) submit a written application-confirmation of readiness to collect the body after crossing the state border.

11. payment (compensation) of the cost of burial services for the Policyholder's (Insured person's) body in the country of the place of death.

12. compensation of the cost of telephone communication services of the Policyholder (Insured) or a person representing his (her) interests with the Insurer regarding the notification of the insured event.

13. compensation of the cost of transportation of the Policyholder (Insured) immediately after the end of in-patient treatment, by economy class to the place of permanent (preferential) residence (place of registration) in Ukraine after the expiry of the insurance contract, if the Policyholder missed his/her flight due to in-patient treatment. In this case medical evacuation is not covered

14. compensation of living expenses of the Policyholder (Insured person) abroad after the expiry of the contract, if his/her return to the country of permanent (preferential) residence or the country of place of registration is impossible immediately after discharge from the hospital

15. compensation of hotel accommodation expenses for one companion of the Policyholder (Insured person) abroad for a period not exceeding 5 days, if the Policyholder (Insured person) is on in-patient treatment after the expiry of the Insurance contract

16. compensation for the cost of round-trip economy class travel for one of the adult close relatives of the Policyholder (Insured) if the duration of the Policyholder's (Insured) treatment in a hospital in the country of temporary stay exceeds 5 days.

17. compensation of the cost of hotel accommodation for up to 5 days for one of the adult close relatives of the Policyholder (Insured), if the duration of treatment of the Policyholder (Insured) in a hospital in the country of temporary stay exceeds 5 days.

18. compensation of expenses for early return by economy class to the country of permanent (preferential) residence (place of registration), if necessary, accompanying the Policyholder's (Insured person's) children under 16 years of age in case of hospitalisation or death of the Policyholder (Insured person) at the place of temporary stay.

19. compensation of the cost of economy class travel to the country of permanent residence of one companion of the Policyholder (Insured) in case of his/her hospitalisation or death

20. payment of expenses for search and rescue of the Policyholder (Insured) as a result of an accident in mountains, at sea, in the forest or other remote areas, including expenses for transportation, including by helicopter (if possible and available), from the place of accident to a medical institution, provided that civil services and organisations are allowed to reach such places

21. Payment of the cost of hyperbaric therapy (baro-chamber);

22. Compensation for the cost of fixation means prescribed by a doctor for injuries. The means of fixation within the limits of this paragraph include only crutches, orthoses, bandages and tourniquets

23. payment (compensation) for the cost of emergency medical care provided for injuries or illnesses resulting from terrorist acts and natural disasters, including posthumous repatriation.

24. payment (compensation) of the cost of medical care for sunburns, allergic dermatitis of any origin;

25.payment (compensation) for the cost of emergency medical care in case of exacerbations of chronic diseases

26. payment (compensation) for the cost of emergency gynaecological care during pregnancy not exceeding 31 weeks

27. payment (compensation) for the cost of medical expenses in case of premature birth. An event shall be deemed an insured event only if premature birth occurs at a gestational age of no more than 31 weeks. In this case, the Insurer shall pay (indemnify) the necessary medical expenses for outpatient and/or inpatient care, as well as medical and transport expenses for transporting the Insured (the Insured person) to a medical institution within the limit of liability;

28. payment (compensation) for the cost of medical care for a newborn in case of preterm birth, if it began at a gestational age of no more than 31 weeks. In this case, the Insurer shall pay (indemnify) the necessary medical expenses for outpatient and/or inpatient care, as well as medical and transport expenses within the limit of liability;

29. payment (compensation) for the cost of medical care for diseases or injuries caused by or in a state of intoxication (except for posthumous repatriation). In this case, the Insurer shall indemnify for medical losses for emergency medical care necessary to prevent immediate threat to life or health, or expenses related to acute pain relief.

30. indemnification of the Insured's (the Insured person's) expenses for purchase of essentials (e.g. underwear, personal care products (except for decorative cosmetics), glasses, panama hat, etc.), which cannot be dispensed with, due to delay of baggage for more than 6 hours from the moment of arrival of the Insured (the Insured person) to the country of travel.

31. reimbursement of expenses of the Insured (the Insured person) for issuance of lost personal documents (passports) required for returning to the country of permanent residence

32. compensation of expenses for judicial or out-of-court settlement of a dispute and/or obtaining other services (assistance) as a result of damage to life and health of third parties caused by unintentional and negligent actions of the Insured (the Insured person). The existence of intent (fault) shall be established in accordance with the legislation of the country of travel and confirmed by the relevant decisions of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities.

33. compensation of expenses for judicial or out-of-court settlement of a dispute and/or other services (assistance) due to damage to property of third parties caused as a result of unintentional and negligent actions of the Insured (the Insured person). The existence of intent (fault) shall be established in accordance with the legislation of the country of travel and confirmed by relevant decisions of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities.

34. compensation of expenses for judicial or out-of-court settlement of a dispute and/or obtaining other services (assistance) as a result of losses incurred to the rental service provider due to unintentional damage of sports equipment rented by the Insured (the Insured person). The existence of intent (fault) shall be established in accordance with the legislation of the country of travel and confirmed by relevant decisions of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities.

35. compensation of expenses for judicial or out-of-court settlement of a dispute and/or other services (assistance) due to engagement of a lawyer and an interpreter to protect the rights of the Insured (the Insured person) during administrative proceedings in connection with occurrence of risks provided for in p.p. 32-34.

By default, the option ‘Active tourism (recreation)’ is not included in the package, but may be selected by the Insured additionally when concluding the insurance contract, as indicated in the individual part of the insurance contract in the section ‘Additional conditions’
Accident insurance while travelling abroad in Ukraine includes:

- temporary loss of the policyholder's (insured person's) general labour capacity for at least 5 days as a result of an accident or

- permanent loss of the policyholder's (insured person's) general labour capacity (establishment of primary disability of I, II or III group) as a result of an accident or death of the policyholder (insured person) as a result of an accident.
The insurance contract shall be concluded with persons aged up to 80 years, unless otherwise specified in the insurance contract, whose trip starts from the territory of Ukraine or the country of location of the Policyholder (Insured) and from which the trip begins

In case of insurance of persons aged 65 to 80 years, surcharges shall be applied.

Insurance contracts shall not be concluded in respect of the following persons:

● with individuals aged over 80 years old

citizens of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Syria, Iran, North Korea and Myanmar, except for those who have a permanent residence permit in Ukraine.

● legally recognised as legally incapable;

● insurance coverage is not valid in the territory of permanent residence of the Policyholder (Insured person); Russian Federation; Belarus; Syria; Iran; North Korea and Myanmar.
The minimum and maximum sum insured under this insurance product may be:

Class 18: 30,000 euros/dollars

Class 1: 3,000 euros/dollars.

The amount and currency of the sum insured is determined in the individual part of the insurance contract.

Calculation of the sum insured into the hryvnia equivalent is performed at the NBU exchange rate determined as of the date of conclusion of the insurance contract.

When insuring several persons, the sum insured under classes 18, 1 is the sum insured separately for each of the Insured.

When insured events occur, the sum insured shall be reduced each time by the amount of insurance benefits paid by the Insurer. If the amount of money paid or claimed for payment reaches the level of the Sum Insured specified in the individual part of the Insurance Contract, the Insurance Contract shall be terminated in full or for a separate insurance class.
When selecting the ‘Business’ package:

When selecting the ‘Business’ package. The minimum and maximum insurance rate is 0.003% per day and 10.4% per year respectively. The minimum and maximum insurance premium per person is 1 u.u. of the sum insured currency per day and 3,431 of the sum insured currency per year, which is converted into UAH according to the NBU exchange rate on the date of conclusion of the insurance contract.

When choosing the package ‘Standard’:

When choosing the package ‘Standard’. The minimum and maximum insurance tariff is 0.005% and 16.32% per year respectively. The minimum and maximum insurance premium per person is 1.57 currency of the sum insured per day and 5,386.7 currency of the sum insured per year, which is converted into hryvnia according to the NBU exchange rate on the date of conclusion of the insurance contract.
An unconditional deductible and a temporary deductible may be applied

The amount of unconditional deductible shall be determined in the individual part of the insurance contract for the class of insurance and/or individual insurance risks within a particular class of insurance. Unless otherwise specified in the individual part of the insurance contract, the unconditional deductible:

The deductible is 10% for insurance risks of insurance class 18 related to lawyer's services and risks related to damage to property and health of third parties, rented equipment.

For insurance risks of insurance class 18 related to alcohol consumption, the deductible is 50 c.u. of the currency of the sum insured for each individual case

In case the insurance contract is concluded during the stay abroad less than three days before the beginning of the insurance term (period), a temporary deductible of 48 hours will be applied for class 18, counting from the next day specified as the beginning of the insurance term (period). At the same time, the expenses for the medical services provided in connection with the occurrence of an accident will be covered with simultaneous consideration of the following:

- the insurance premium has been paid in full;

- the accident occurred not earlier than the date and time of conclusion of the insurance contract and the day specified as the beginning of the insurance period;

- medical services have been provided starting from the next day of the date specified as the beginning of the insurance period.

The period of the temporary deductible shall be counted as part of the total period of validity of the contract. All events and services that have occurred or are provided during the temporary deductible period, except for the provision of services described in this clause in connection with the occurrence of an accident, shall not be deemed insured and shall not be covered
The territory of coverage is indicated in the individual part of the insurance contract and is labelled as: Geographical zone ‘Europe’ (graphic representation EUROPE or EU). The ‘Europe’ zone includes all countries of geographical Europe as well as Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey.


The geographical zone ‘World’ (World or W), which includes all countries of the world.

The insurance contract is not valid on the territory of:
The term of validity of the insurance contract (insurance coverage) is determined in the individual part of the contract within the number of insured days within the insurance period (or periods) defined in the contract

Beginning and expiry of the term of validity of the contract

On Class 18 risks:

On Class 18 risks

1. Commencement and expiry of the term of validity of the contract (insurance coverage) for persons who are on the territory of Ukraine on the date of execution of the insurance contract: 1.1. the insurance contract must be concluded before the beginning of the trip (i.e. before crossing the border of Ukraine) 1.2. the term (or period) of insurance and the number of insured days shall be chosen by the Policyholder independently 1.3. the beginning of the insurance term (period) may coincide with the date of conclusion of the insurance contract or be a later date; 1.4. insurance cover (insurance coverage) and the countdown of the number of insured days shall start from the moment when the Policyholder (Insured) passes the border control of Ukraine when travelling abroad or from 00 o'clock (Kiev time) of the day specified as the beginning of the term (period) of insurance (according to the date which is later), but not earlier than the moment of payment of the insurance payment and crossing the border of Ukraine. 1.5. insurance cover (insurance coverage) ends at the moment when the Policyholder (Insured person) passes the border control of Ukraine when returning from abroad or at 24 hours Kiev time of the day specified as the end of the term (period) of insurance with obligatory taking into account the number of insured days (according to the date that occurred earlier).

2. The beginning and end of the term of the contract (insurance coverage) for persons who are outside Ukraine as of the date of the insurance contract: 2.1. the term (or period) of insurance and the number of insured days shall be chosen by the Policyholder independently At the same time, the Policyholder must necessarily take into account that the insurance contract must be concluded three days before the desired start date of the term (period) of insurance; 2.2 If the Policyholder violates the deadline for concluding the contract and determining the beginning of the insurance term (period), the requirements set out in the preceding paragraph, a temporary deductible shall be applied. In such a case, the insurance cover shall start to be effective 48 hours after the date specified as the beginning of the insurance period, counting from the next day specified as the beginning of the insurance period. At the same time, coverage of the expenses for the medical services provided in connection with the occurrence of an accident will be provided taking into account the following: - the insurance premium has been paid in full; - the accident has occurred not earlier than the date and time of conclusion of the insurance contract and the day specified as the beginning of the insurance period; - medical services have been provided as of the next day of the date specified as the beginning of the insurance period. The period of the temporary deductible shall be counted as part of the total period of validity of the contract. All events and services that have occurred or have been provided during the temporary deductible period, except for the provision of services described in this clause in connection with the occurrence of an accident, shall not be deemed insured and shall not be covered; 2.3. if the requirements for concluding the contract and determining the beginning of the insurance term (period) set out in the previous clause 1 are met, the insurance cover and the countdown of the number of insured activities shall commence from the date specified as the beginning of the insurance term (period) 2.4. the insurance cover shall end at the moment when the Policyholder (Insured) passes the border control of Ukraine when returning from abroad or at 24 hours Kiev time of the day specified as the end of the insurance term (period) with obligatory taking into account the number of insured days (according to the date that occurred earlier).

3. If the individual part of the insurance contract provides for multiple journeys (multy), the Insurer shall be liable within the limits of the total number of days of stay abroad specified in the contract for the entire term (period) of insurance. At each trip abroad the insurance cover validity period is automatically reduced by the number of days spent by the Policyholder (Insured) in the territory of the contract. The number of days of stay of the Policyholder (Insured) abroad for each individual trip is determined in accordance with the marks of the border service in the passport of the person for foreign trips, or in accordance with the information (letter) of the border service of the country to which the trip was made or other similar document. The minimum number of insured days may be 3 days Maximum - 365 days.

Class 1 risks:

Class 1 risks The validity of the insurance contract starts from the moment of the Policyholder's (Insured person's) boarding the vehicle at the starting point of the trip specified in the ticket, etc., but not earlier than the beginning of the insurance term (period) specified in the individual part of the insurance contract and payment of the insurance payment, and ends at the final point of the trip specified in the travel service contract or when leaving the vehicle in Ukraine or at the end of the insurance term (period), with mandatory consideration of the number of insured days. The minimum number of insured days can be 3 days. Maximum - 365 days.
Exclusions from insured events for Class 18 risks:

The Insurer shall not pay or reimburse the cost of treatment and services related to such diseases and events:

1. The Insurer shall not pay for and shall not indemnify the cost of treatment and services related to such diseases and events:

- treatment of chronic diseases (unless otherwise provided for in the insurance package chosen by the Policyholder), congenital anomalies (malformations), deformations and chromosomal disorders, autoimmune diseases, cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, and related complications (gallbladder empyema, hydronephrosis of the kidney, etc.), even if they manifested themselves periodically or were detected for the first time. The management of acute pain until stabilisation of the condition is covered, with the exception of surgical intervention;

- neoplasms (including oncological diseases), endocrine system diseases, diabetes mellitus, even if they were detected for the first time;

- nervous diseases (except neuritis), neuroses (panic attacks, hysterical conditions, depression, etc.), mental diseases and disorders, as well as related traumatic injuries;

- venereal diseases, immunodeficiency state, AIDS;

- diseases of blood and hematopoietic organs;

- epidemic and pandemic diseases;

- testing for COVID-19 at the request of the Policyholder (Insured person) without the referral of the attending physician, if the result is negative;

- acute and chronic radiation sickness;

- medical care during pregnancy (except for ectopic pregnancy) and childbirth, unless otherwise provided for by the selected insurance package;

- any health disorders, complications or death due to failure to comply with the recommendations of the attending physician, side effects of medicines that were not prescribed by the physician, as well as side effects of nutritional supplements;

- diseases or consequences (complications) of diseases with viral hepatitis, tuberculosis;

- diseases and disorders of the hearing organs, except for acute diseases of the hearing organs. Also not covered are expenses related to ear washing (wax plugs, water ingress, etc.);

- eye diseases related to contact lens care and allergic conjunctivitis;

- fungal and dermatological diseases, as well as allergic dermatitis of any origin, sunburns of the first and second degree, unless otherwise provided for in the insurance package selected by the Policyholder;

- insect stings, jellyfish stings, seaweed stings;

- injuries or illnesses that occurred before the beginning of the insurance period, on or before the day of conclusion of the insurance contract and/or in the territory of the permanent place of residence, even if they were discovered for the first time, which resulted in medical or additional expenses during the trip, as well as illnesses that occurred after the Policyholder (Insured) returned from the trip;

- injuries or illnesses, medical expenses incurred (incurred) during the period of validity of the temporary deductible;

- further treatment of the Policyholder (Insured) if he/she refuses medical evacuation to the place of permanent residence. The Parties have agreed that a telephone recording of a conversation between the Policyholder (Insured) or his/her relatives to the Assisting Company or the Insurer regarding the refusal of medical evacuation is equal to a written refusal and may be used by the Insurer as evidence in case of disputes;

- medical examination that is not the result of acute pain, sudden illness and bodily injury; provision of services that are not reasonably medically necessary or urgent (including check-ups by a doctor); examination (consultation) by a doctor based on the results of which no treatment is prescribed or not included in the treatment prescribed by a doctor; provision of special services such as a separate room, telephone, television, etc;

- services and treatment that can be postponed until the return from the trip, including surgical operations that can be replaced by a course of conservative treatment until the end of the trip, etc.;

- high-tech manipulations and operations, in particular, but not exclusively on the heart and blood vessels, including angiography, coronarography, angioplasty, bypass surgery, stenting, installation of artificial pacemaker, as well as plastic surgeries on joints and ligaments, including atroscopic diagnostic and surgical interventions, etc;

- diagnostic services: consultations, laboratory tests and other measures not prescribed by the doctor and/ or the Assisting Company as necessary to establish a diagnosis for the purpose of further prescription of treatment;

- carrying out preventive vaccinations;

- medical examinations and laboratory tests not related to the insured event;

- all types of plastic and cosmetic surgeries and procedures, all types of prosthetics, organ transplants;

- dental treatment, except as specified in the insurance package;

- physiotherapeutic, rehabilitation treatment and treatment with non-traditional methods;

- therapeutic recreation, sanatorium and health resort treatment, as well as spa procedures;

- purchase or repair of auxiliary aids (such as pacemakers, glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, inhalers, prostheses, crutches, wheelchairs, measuring devices, bandages, tourniquets, etc.), metal osteosynthesis aids (spikes, screws, plates, pins and similar materials), purchase of general tonic preparations, hygiene products, baby food, unless otherwise provided for by the terms and conditions of the insurance package selected by the Policyholder;

- artificial insemination, infertility treatment, pregnancy prevention measures;

- treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, etc., including treatment of withdrawal syndrome;

- medical evacuation, repatriation, burial abroad, rescue operations organised without written agreement (consent) with the Assisting Company and/ or the Insurer regardless of the amount of expenses;

- expenses when the trip was made with the intention to receive medical treatment;

- self-treatment, as well as treatment provided by spouses, parents or children;

- the need for personal care, patronage, protection,

- accommodation expenses (except if such grounds are provided for in the terms and conditions of the selected insurance package), meals, etc. including during the stay in self-isolation, quarantine, observation, etc., as well as during outpatient treatment;

- for continuation of treatment of the Policyholder (Insured person) after his/her return from the trip to the place of permanent or temporary stay (residence), unless otherwise provided for by the terms and conditions of the insurance package chosen by the Policyholder, as well as the expenses that are covered by social, health insurance and other security are not indemnified;

- expenses exceeding 1000 c.u. of the sum insured shall not be indemnified for which a prior written agreement (consent) with the Assisting Company and/ or the Insurer is required, and such agreement (consent) has not been made;

- purchase of food, drinks, decorative cosmetics, jewellery, etc;

- moral damage;

- expenses for the purchase of essential items if the baggage was delayed for up to 6 hours or if the baggage was delayed upon arrival in a country other than the country of travel;

- transporting an urn with ashes of the deceased Policyholder (Insured);

- other events and occurrences defined in these terms and conditions or applicable law;

- other events, services provided and/or expenses that are not included in the insurance package chosen by the Policyholder or that took place before the beginning or after the end of the insurance period or not in the territory of the contract.

In addition, under the terms and conditions of civil liability insurance of the Policyholder (Insured person), any claims for indemnification of the following shall not apply to insured events:

- losses (expenses) related to purchase of tickets for travelling by any transport, etc;

- losses or expenses have been realised deliberately by the Policyholder (Insured person) personally or in collusion with a third person;

- losses related to contractual, economic and criminal liability of the Policyholder (Insured) to third parties, as well as losses caused to the environment;

- harm or losses caused by the Policyholder (Insured) to any type of transport with an engine;

- harm or losses caused to the family members of the Policyholder (Insured);

- fine, penalty or other financial sanctions which are not a direct consequence of the harm caused to health or damage to property of third parties;

- losses in excess of the scope and amounts stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine and/or the country of temporary stay of the Insured, as well as in excess of the sum insured specified in the Contract;

- harm or damage caused during participation in sports competitions and in the process of preparation for them;

- harm or damage related to production, professional activity, physical labour or criminal actions of the Policyholder (Insured person);

- harm or damage arising in connection with a fact, situation, circumstances, which were known to the Policyholder (Insured person) before the commencement of the insurance contract or in relation to which the Policyholder (Insured person) was able to foresee the possibility of filing a claim against the Policyholder (Insured person); moral damage, as well as damage caused to the image or reputation of third parties.

The Insurer shall not recognise the following cases as insured:

- diseases that are not the result of an accident of the Policyholder (Insured) (except for tetanus, rabies, encephalitis transmitted by tick bites);

- therapeutic holidays, rehabilitation, sanatorium and health resort treatment, as well as spa procedures;

- an accident that occurred as a result of an illness that is a consequence of a mental reaction to military events, internal disturbances, a terrorist act, a plane crash or fears related to such events;

- an accident resulting from chronic or mental illnesses, even if they occur periodically;

- insurance of persons over the age limit;

- injuries or illnesses due to an accident resulting from a road traffic accident, including when using a car, bicycle, motorbike, moped, hydro and quad bike, hydro scooter, snowmobile, boat, motorboat, etc., if:

- the Policyholder (Insured) drove the vehicle without having the relevant driving licence

The Policyholder (Insured) drove the vehicle in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, or under the influence of psychotropic and toxic substances; the Policyholder (Insured) has transferred control of the vehicle to another person who did not have a relevant driving licence;

- the Policyholder (Insured) was in the vehicle as a passenger, except for public transport driven by a person who was under the influence of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication or psychotropic and toxic substances;

- the Policyholder (Insured) has neglected and failed to use safety (protection) means both together and separately, such as: seat belt, helmet, helmet, life jacket, as well as other safety means provided for by the rules of operation of the vehicle;

- events that occurred before the conclusion of the insurance contract or before the beginning of the insurance term, as well as those that occurred after the end of the insurance term or not in the territory of the contract;

- death of the Policyholder (Insured person) which is not the result of an accident;

- other events and cases defined in these terms and conditions or in the legislation in force.

- The Insurer shall not make insurance payments related to compensation of moral damage

The events that have occurred as a result of:

public disorder, strikes or state of emergency (including martial law); action of a nuclear incident or ionising radiation; use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons;

terrorist acts, natural disasters, except if such events are stipulated by the terms and conditions of the insurance product;

committing suicide or attempted suicide by the Policyholder (Insured) (except for cases when the Policyholder (Insured) has been brought to such a state by unlawful actions of third parties);

committing or attempting to commit unlawful acts by the Policyholder (Insured person), which are in direct causal relationship with the insured event, as established by the competent authorities;

active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, combat or military actions;

● exposing the Policyholder (Insured) to unjustified risk, conscious danger (except for saving life)

being of the Policyholder (Insured) in the state of alcoholic, except if such events are stipulated by the terms and conditions of the insurance product, narcotic or toxic intoxication.

Also independent grounds for refusal to make insurance payment are:

Intentional actions or inaction of the Policyholder (Insured) aimed at the occurrence of the insured event, except for actions committed in a state of extreme necessity or necessary self-defence (without exceeding its limits) or cases determined by law or international customs;

Committing a deliberate criminal offence by the Policyholder (Insured), which resulted in the occurrence of the insured event;

submission by the Policyholder, the Insured or the person in favour of whom the insurance payment is to be made, of knowingly false information about the object of insurance, location of the Policyholder (Insured) as of the date of conclusion of the insurance contract, or about the fact and causes of occurrence of the insured event. The proof of the Policyholder's (Insured person's) location as of the date of conclusion of the contract shall be the relevant border crossing marks in the passport for travelling abroad;

obstructing the Insurer in determining the circumstances, nature and amount of losses;

untimely notification of the Insurer of the occurrence of the insured event without valid reasons and / or failure of the Policyholder (Insured person) to fulfil their obligations specified in the contract or legislation, if this has led to the impossibility of the Insurer to determine the fact, causes and circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event or the amount of damage (losses) caused;< untimely submission of a written application to the Insurer to receive the insurance payment and other documents specified in the insurance contract;

● failure to fulfil the Insurer's instructions in the process of settlement of the insured event;

Illnesses that are the result of a mental reaction to military events, internal disturbances, terrorist act, air crash, natural phenomena or fears related to such events;

chronic, except if such events are stipulated in the terms and conditions of the insurance product, and mental illnesses, even if they are detected for the first time or manifest themselves periodically;

insurance of persons above the established age limit or insurance of persons without applying surcharges;

performance by the Policyholder (Insured) of any kind of physical work, active tourism, sports and extreme sports, if such risks have not been insured in accordance with the insurance package and appropriate surcharges have not been applied;

● other cases stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.
Unless otherwise specified in the individual part of the insurance contract:

the limit of liability for Class 18 risks is 100%, except for the following risks:

under the insurance risk ‘emergency dental care’, ‘medical care for sunburns, allergies’ the limit of insurance benefit not exceeding 1% of the sum insured is provided for

for the insurance risk ‘compensation of the cost of telephone communication services’ the limit of insurance payment not exceeding 100 c.u. of the sum insured is provided.

under the insurance risk ‘ritual services for burial of the body abroad’ the insurance benefit limit not exceeding 10% of the sum insured is stipulated.

under the insurance risks related to the residence of the Policyholder (Insured), their family members, accompanying persons, the insurance indemnity limit is provided in the amount of 100 c.u. of the currency of the sum insured per day of residence, but not more than for five days

for insurance risks related to transport of the Policyholder (Insured), their family members, accompanying persons, the insurance indemnity limit is not more than 400 u.u. of the sum insured currency for travelling in economy class.

for the insurance risk ‘search and rescue of the Insured person’, ‘hyperbaric chamber’, ‘payment for fixation means’, ‘chronic diseases’, ‘risk related to pregnancy’, ‘alcohol intoxication’, ‘lawyer's services’ the insurance indemnity limit is provided not exceeding 10% of the sum insured

The insurance risk ‘harm to life and health of third parties’ provides for the insurance benefit limit not exceeding 50% of the sum insured.

The insurance risk ‘damage to property of third parties’ provides for the limit of insurance payment not exceeding 20 per cent of the sum insured.

For the insurance risk ‘damage to the hired inventory’ and ‘purchase of items due to delay of luggage’, the insurance indemnity limit does not exceed 1% of the sum insured

In case of failure to coordinate with the Assisting company medical expenses in the amount exceeding 1000 u.u., the Insurer shall pay out not more than 1000 u.u.

In case of non-agreement of expenses related to medical evacuation, burial, repatriation of the body, search and rescue, the Insurer shall have the right to refuse to pay the insurance indemnity.

limits of liability for risks under class 1:

- temporary loss of general labour capacity by the policyholder (insured person) the limit of liability is not more than 30%;

- permanent loss of working capacity, namely the establishment of disability as a result of an accident: III group - 60%; ІІ group - 75 per cent; Group I - 100 per cent.

- death - 100%
Unless otherwise specified in the individual part of the insurance contract: the limits of liability for risks under class 18 are 100%, except for the following risks: for the insured risk ‘emergency dental care’, ‘medical care for sunburn, allergies’, the limit of insurance payment is provided for, not exceeding 1% of the sum insured under the insurance risk ‘compensation for the cost of telephone services’ the insurance indemnity limit does not exceed UAH 100 of the currency of the sum insured under the insurance risk ‘funeral services for the burial of the body abroad’, the limit of insurance payment is provided not exceeding 10% of the sum insured for insurance risks related to accommodation of the Insured (the Insured person), their family members, accompanying persons, the limit of insurance payment is provided in the amount of 100 UAH of the currency of the sum insured per day of accommodation, but not more than five days for insurance risks related to transportation of the Insured (the Insured person), their family members, accompanying persons, the limit of insurance payment is provided in the amount of not more than 400 USD of the currency of the sum insured for travelling in economy class For the insurance risk ‘search and rescue of the Insured person’, ‘hyperbaric chamber’, ‘payment for fixation means’ the insurance indemnity limit is provided not exceeding 10% of the sum insured Under the insurance risk ‘damage to life and health of third parties’ the insurance indemnity limit does not exceed 50% of the sum insured Under the insurance risk ‘damage to property of third parties’ the limit of insurance payment is provided not exceeding 20% of the sum insured For the insurance risk ‘damage to the rented equipment’, ‘lawyer's services’ the insurance indemnity limit does not exceed 1% of the sum insured In case of failure to agree with the Assistance Company on medical expenses in the amount of more than 1000 USD, the Insurer shall pay out in the amount not exceeding 1000 USD In case of non-coordination of expenses related to medical evacuation, burial, repatriation of the body, search and rescue, the Insurer shall have the right to refuse to pay insurance indemnity - in case of baggage delay - original travel ticket, on the basis of which the Insured (the Insured person) was in the vehicle; baggage receipt (ticket) confirming the fact of baggage transfer under the responsibility of the carrier in the original; copy of the application to the carrier about baggage delay with the carrier's mark on acceptance of the application; document confirming the baggage delay with indication of the date and time of baggage receipt (in the original), drawn up by the responsible person of the carrier limits of liability for risks under class 1: - temporary loss of general working capacity by the insured (the insured person) the limit of liability is not more than 30%; - permanent loss of working capacity, namely the establishment of disability as a result of an accident: Group III - 60%; Group II - 75%; Group I - 100%. - death - 100%.
Failure to report the occurrence of an insured event in a timely manner without valid reasons may be an independent ground for refusal of the insurance benefit. Failure to coordinate the expenses (irrespective of the amount) with the Assisting Company related to medical transport of the Policyholder (Insured), ritual rescue services shall be an independent ground for refusal of the insurance benefit. In case of failure to agree with the Assisting company on medical expenses in the amount of more than 1000 u.u. of the Sum Insured currency, the Insurer shall make a payment in the amount not exceeding 1000 u.u. of the Sum Insured currency. If the Insurance Premium is not paid in the amount and within the terms specified in the Contract, the Contract shall be deemed not concluded and the Insurance cover shall not be valid.
The product is not additional to other goods, works or services that are not insurable.
Discounts do not apply to this product and there are no promotional offers.

Valid from 11.01.2025

General terms and conditions of the insurance product ‘Travel insurance for travellers outside Ukraine, contracts for which are concluded on the website of the insurance intermediary LLC ( (B2C sales)

Information document on the standard insurance product ‘Travel insurance for travellers outside Ukraine, contracts for which are concluded on the website of the insurance intermediary LLC (B2C sales)

OFFER for the conclusion of an electronic contract of comprehensive insurance for persons travelling outside Ukraine concluded on the terms and conditions of the insurance product ‘Travel insurance for travellers outside Ukraine, contracts for which are concluded on the website of the insurance intermediary POLIS.UA LLC ( (B2C sales)

Valid from 10.06.2024 to 10.01.2025

Medical Assistance Insurance of expenses related to the provision of assistance (assistance) to persons travelling abroad in Ukraine

IDSSP Insurance of expenses related to the provision of assistance (assistance) to persons when travelling abroad of Ukraine

OICAL Insurance against an accident while travelling abroad or through the territory of Ukraine

IDSSP Travel accident insurance when travelling abroad or through the territory of Ukraine



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