Information on consumer protection


In case of disagreement with the decision made by the Company, the Applicant shall have the right to apply to the relevant state and judicial authorities in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Contact information of the body that carries out state regulation of the Insurer's activities:

National Bank of Ukraine 9 Instytutska Str., Kyiv, 01601
Telephone: 0 800 505 240
NBU website:
Online form for citizens' appeals on the NBU website
Electronic form of citizen's appeal (docx and pdf), sent by e-mail to [email protected] Requirements for the execution (presentation) of written and oral appeals are stipulated by the Law of Ukraine ‘On Citizens’ Appeals’ and the decision of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated 14 May 2020 No. 332-рш

For correspondence: 9 Instytutska St., Kyiv-8, 01601

To submit written appeals of citizens: 11-b Instytutska St., Kyiv-8, 01601
Phone: 0 800 505 240
Mon-Thurs 9:00 - 18:00, Fri 9:00 - 16:45
Make an appointment for a personal visit: Phone 0 800 505 240.

The schedule of personal reception of citizens by the management of the National Bank of Ukraine is available on the official website
A claimant who considers his/her rights and interests arising from the law and/or insurance contract to be violated may file a complaint with the Insurer or relevant state authorities of Ukraine.
The object of appeal may be:

  •  violation of rights provided for by law;
  • violation of rights provided for in the insurance contract.

 Complaints regarding:

  • choice of the Insurer (unless such right is granted to the Insured by law);
  • actions of the Insurer that are appealed in court;

 In case the Claimant applies to the court with a request for dispute resolution before the complaint is completed, the complaint consideration shall be terminated.

More information can be found at the link below

The procedure for registration, consideration and processing of appeals from citizens, legal entities, state authorities and local self-government bodies

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